Pay only on profit

After the free trial, you will only be required to pay us if we generate a real profit for you by the end of the month. You must send us 35% of the profit at the month's end, as we cannot automatically deduct it from your account.

Start here-Open an account with our brokers for a free trial.

We will send forex signals to your mobile phone/WhatsApp, but it's better to use our AI EA copier. It sends signals directly to your MetaTrader starting from 0.01 lot and is monitored by real traders 24/7.

We will risk up to $5 per trade during the first month until you gain confidence in our system.

You can stop our service at any time and withdraw your money and profit.

Open here a broker account for the free trial:
EU and UK citizens: 10 days free trial, minimum deposit $/€ 550
US citizens: 10 days free trial, minimum deposit $500
Rest of the world 10 days free trial, minimum deposit $100

For example, If we make you a $100 profit, you need to send us $35.

Pay on-profit Example

First Month
We make $1,000 profit, and your profit is above the HWM (High Water Mark):
$1,000 fees are calculated as -35%,
Your fee is $350.

Second Month
We have lost -$200.
You will not pay us until we win your money back,
Your fee is: $0.

Third Month
We make $500 profit above the HWM (High Water Mark).
You will pay a fee only of $300, which is calculated as 35%,
Your fee is $105.



How do I start?
Open an account with our broker using the links above

Why can you work with my broker?
Our system connects to those broker servers.

Can you take money from my account for your commission?
No. It is your account, and only you can withdraw money from it. You need to send us our profit at the end of the month.

Can I stop at any time?
Yes. It is your account. and you can stop and take your money and profit.

What insurance do you have that the customers will pay you at the end of the month?
We do not have any insurance, Customers are happy with our results, so it is in interest to pay us so that we will continue to work with them.

How can I pay you at the end of the month after I have a profit in my account?
You can pay us using PayPal or Bitcoin. If you do not have either of these, please contact us.

What will I get?
We will send you signals to WhatsApp, email, or to your Metatrader signals that are sent into your trading account in real-time via EA (Which we will set up for you). The signals are sent 24 hours a day during 5 trading days (from Monday to Friday).

Should my MT4/5 Platform always be online?
No. Please note that we have a server for our customers.

Do you monitor the signals you provide?
Yes. Our team of traders follows the trading signals until closing.

How many trades do you make per month?
It depends on many factors such as market volatility, news, trading ideas, etc. Usually, we try to make 20-30 trades per month, but this number can be slightly increased.

How do I cancel the service?
It is easy just contact us or change the Metatrader password.

How can I lower the risk?
We will start with a low-volume trade of risk up to $5 per trade. We will not risk your account in one trade.


Action Plan-Start Now

Open here an account here for the free trial:
EU citizens:  10 days free trial, minimum deposit $/€ 500
US citizens: 10 days free trial minimum deposit $500
Rest of the world: 10 days free trial minimum deposit $100